Karungali Kattai
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100 Years Antiques Ebony Karungali Mani
Wearing and using 1oo Years Ebony Karungali Mani Ball will bring success, career growth, avoidance of cash shortages, helps peace of mind, removal of long-standing barriers to victory, elimination of laziness, anxiety and mental fear, Karungali belongs to the Angara Gragha(Mars).The Karungali Mani has immense medicinal benefits, rinse and soak the Karungali Mani in the water overnight, filter the water and drink it on empty stomach. Helps to control blood sugar levels, bad cholesterol, aids in digestion and helps regulate the digestive organs, and may help prevent allergies as well as cancer. The Karungali Mani removes all the toxins from the day and make you feel light like a feather.(Bulk Order Also Available)
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Orginal Karungali Wood Antiques 100%
1omm Rs2700
16mm Rs4300
18mm rs7800 Powerful Master Piece Mani {100 Years Ebony Wood }