Sun Yoga Practice

Sun Yoga Practice

To practice Sun meditation, beginners should start by looking at the rising sun early in the morning, starting between the first and second hour after sunrise. You can also look at the setting sun, but it is not as effective as at sunrise because the energy is decreasing. I  was Learning From My Master  Sunyogi umashankar  is a well-known and respected, fully enlightened yogi, an authentic yogi of the ancient Vedic school, which is rare to find these days when yoga has lost its former glory and integrity at the expense of commercial interests. Sunyogi is a true scientist because he has dedicated his life to the study of our physical world and nature through observation and experience, by spiritual practice and by experimenting with himself. Today Sunyogi travels the world to teach Sun yoga and spread its message of universal peace.

The  course is all about bringing inner peace and health to the individual for a balanced life. Here we learn the basic tools for keeping ourselves healthy and having a happy life. In the course, we will be introduced to basic meditation techniques, be given instructions on how to eat healthily, do physical exercises with awareness of the breath (Yogasanas), and learn a few important acupressure points for health.

  1. Physical exercises for purification; Simple Ajna Chakra meditation.
  2. Yogasana exercises; Eye-to-Eye or Photo Meditation; Basic Sun Meditation
  3. Open all Chakras upto Dhyana and  and 2% brain utilization (Conscious mind).
  4.  Awaken all chakras up to Samadhi  (7% brain utilization (Subconscious mind).
  5. Open up all chakras to Rogamukta  (the Chakras ±8), and 20% brain utilization (Super conscious mind).
  6. Open up all Chakras to Brahmanusama  (the Chakras ±14), and 100% brain utilization (Universal conscious mind).

Sun Meditation in strong noontime Sun; Apply Yama, Niyama, Asana in everyday life; Basic Chakra cleansing and breathing exercises; Chakra Darshan meditation

This is a 1 day Online workshop, starting at 10am and finishing at 1 pm. Workshop fee is 5000 RS One To One / Group Sessions I also run training courses on request for individuals on a one to one basis or for groups. If you are interested please give me a call on 7010054619  and we can arrange a course on a day that suits.​

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