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- Developing your psychic abilities can be a hard nut to crack if you have got
no plans of how to do it. There are myriads of techniques that are of great
importance in your journey of developing strong psychic abilities. With
these techniques at hand, you might still find it very hard. The secret to this
is that you have to practice only one technique per day. You do not
necessarily have to practice these exercises in a given order as they all have
one aim, that is, the development of your psychic abilities.
The following are the various ways in which you can develop your psychic
Take a walk in a park
Taking a walk in a park or any other place surrounded by nature is one of
the best ways of meditating. This is where you get a chance to concentrate
on your steps while walking. As you walk, keep focusing on each step you
take while uttering the word ‘step’ after each step. This will help you a great
deal in clearing the mind of confusion and jumbles.
Practice staring at auras
You can easily learn to always stare at an aura, and this is one of the best
ways of developing your psychic abilities. The best way of coming up with
an aura is having a friend standing in front of a wall with only one-colored
paint. You are then required to step back approximately eight feet. Now you
have to stare on his or her forehead while imagining that you are looking
through her behind the wall. At this point, you will notice that there is an
aura layer formed around their heads. This, therefore, will have greatly
developed your psychic ability.
Pray often
Praying is one of the greatest tools for developing your psychic abilities.
Prayer is a tool that many employ in relieving themselves of burdens as
they talk to a Supreme being; they believe in. This also makes you feel
supported and loved. Therefore, having some time designated for prayers
daily will be of help to a great deal. Make a symbol
There is a variety of ways in which you can obtain psychic information.
They are usually not literal and thus have to look at symbolically. Everyone
has got Spirit guides, and thus yours will guide you through the
interpretation of information. You will, therefore, develop your psychic
abilities in the process.
Make your tarot
In case you are using tarot to develop your psychic abilities, then you can
get a tarot deck and make your tarot. Use your imaginations to make your
meanings of the cards rather than looking at the meanings that come with
them. You can also spend time with one card a day and meditate upon it the
note down all you think about the card. This, therefore, will help you in
developing your psychic abilities using a tarot.
Keep your vibration high
When developing your psychic abilities, it is imperative to have your
vibrations high. This is because like is always attracted to like, and thus you
will also be able to attract other souls that are spiritually aware. Apart from
that, the frequency at which the spirits vibrate is very high.
Activities That Help in Psychic Progress
The more knowledge you have of people, the more able you are to pick up
on messages from others. For example, if you are empathetic, you are able
to place yourself into their situation and see things in a much clearer way. If
you are inexperienced with different kinds of people, you are less likely to
be able to read them or to give them accurate readings. Thus, there are some
activities that you can do to help you to develop your psychic abilities:
Observation exercises – understanding body language
Observation is a wonderful tool. You are able to observe people and to see
the different ways in which they react to certain situations. This gives you
many clues when it comes to being able to assure them while giving them a
reading or consultation. Body language is one way in which you can learn if
people are being honest with you. It shows on their faces and the movement
of muscles when someone is deliberately lying to you and as a psychic it’s
important that you know who you are dealing with. Try to learn from thebody language of people and the best way to do this is to look out for the
following things:
Crossed arms – This shows a defensive stance. The person may not be open
to any new information and thus you must approach with caution.
Blinking eyes when they talk – This means that there is a level of deception
involved. Perhaps the client is trying to show you up as a charlatan and is
purposely feeding you incorrect information to see how you react to it.
Not looking directly into your eyes – This may mean that the client is a
little ashamed of something and you may have to coax it from them in order
to help the client. In this case, try to be gentle and reassure the client so that
the client is prepared to confide in you.
Playing with their hands – This denotes that the client is nervous and it may
help to sooth the client so that you are able to make him/her feel more at
ease with you. Remember that trust plays a huge part when someone
consults a psychic. You need to establish sufficient trust to take away any
doubts that the client may have and help him/her to feel at ease.
Other behaviors to observe
If a client shows belligerence, the chances are that the client feels on unsafe
ground. The reason that people show this type of behavior is that they feel a
sense of insecurity. Perhaps they have never experienced psychic readings
before and are a little ill at ease and use this bravado to hide the fact that
they are insecure.
You also need to be able to recognize the following, in order to feel
empathy for the client and this empathy is all important when it comes to
making yourself believable:
● Nervousness
● Unhappiness
● Fear
● Anger
● Jealousy
● Hopelessness● Loss of faith
These feelings could be derived from the situation in which the client finds
him/herself and your empathy is very important. If, for example, a woman
wants you to talk about her dead husband, it would be unprofessional not to
pick up on her feelings of desperation or to exploit them. You need to be
able to show empathy and to step into her shoes and if this means
questioning her a little about the relationship, this will help your powers of
Increasing your Knowledge
If you are lacking in general knowledge, you can’t put yourself over as
astutely as someone whose knowledge is vast. Thus, one of the activities
that is suggested for people who want to develop their psychic abilities is
reading. Read a wide variety of which will give you an insight into human
behavior and even if you limit this to good quality fiction, this will help you
to be able to empathize with clients who have been through experiences that
you would otherwise not be able to imagine.
The wider your knowledge base, the better able you are to draw from it. I
recommend that you choose a variety of – both factual and fiction – because
reading opens your mind and helps you to experience all kinds of emotions
that you may never touch upon in your life and that will be helpful to you in
your work.
Concentration exercises
To develop and hone this part of your psychic ability, you need to have
activities that improve your concentration levels. Art can do this if you are
artistically inclined. If you like computers, why not try honing in on your
concentrative powers by using something such as a program like
Luminosity. You have to concentrate because you are given certain
questions to answer within a given time. They call it “exercise for the
brain” but as far as a psychic goes, it’s really and truly great concentration
for the mind. That’s part and parcel of what you need to develop so if you
can find programs that require total concentration, then these are good for
you and will help your concentration levels to improve.
Other games that are fun are turning a pack of cards face downward onto a
table and trying to establish pairs by turning two cards over at a time. Youneed to concentrate because you need to remember where certain cards are
and, with practice, will find that you improve your concentration. This is
vital for the psychic because it’s easy to allow outside influence to get in the
way when you are trying to give a client a reading. If you have learned
concentration through meditation this helps to hone the mind, body and
spirit into that moment. However, card games such as this also help your
powers of observation and when working with people, that’s vital to
Sociability – Learning to mix with all kinds of people opens up your
understanding of different character types. It is important that you have a
fair share of work and play and try to meet plenty of people in your life.
Many people who develop psychic abilities find that having a great social
life improves the way that they can read people’s problems because they
also become aware of different mannerisms and the approach that different
people have toward their problems. It also helps to work with different age
levels. Thus, spend quality time with kids and learn to have a great
relationship with older folk. (vinodhan,)