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- The world we live in today is a truly beautiful place to be. We may have
heard many people say things like “this is a great time to be alive,” and they
would not be wrong. Limitless opportunities abound around us. Ranging
from being able to study to have the careers we have always dreamt of and
get our dream jobs to be able to buy the things we want and travel as often
as we desire, the world has so much to offer us.
Technology is also a huge part of this mix, as digital communication and
social media have made it unnecessary for us to be alone. You can shop
online whenever you feel like it, and you can play virtual games and
immerse yourself in virtual reality at the click of a button. All these have
contributed to making the world a global village that truly runs 24 hours, 7
days a week.
Due to this, we are now expected to spend every part of our days actively
working to better our lives. Having some downtime is no longer considered
necessary, and in some cases, you could be viewed as lazy for requesting
downtime. This is both a good thing and a bad thing.
On the one hand, we are reaping the dividends of how active our society is,
on the other hand, we need to consider the toll it is taking on us.
Our brains, just like computers, are not designed to be active all the time.
Apart from sleeping at night (which some people do not even take
seriously), there is still a lot we can benefit from taking some time to calm
our minds and to relax during working hours.
If you are battling with anxiety, you actually need that downtime. You need
to unplug from the continuous demands on your time and your mind and
calm your mind. Doing this would change and improve the quality of your
Why You Should Calm Your Mind
- More clear reasoning
Indeed, it feels great to have the ability to overcome our issues every day.
However, at times, the sheer volume of the choices you make can lead tobefuddled reasoning and slanted points of view. Clearing the mind of
messiness and dispensing with superfluous interruptions will enable you to
focus. In a relaxed state, you can settle on better choices, dodge errors and
function with greater mental lucidity.
Setting aside time to calm your mind, using meditation or mindfulness
procedures, can assist you with seeing a clearer way through life’s
difficulties. Unwinding will empower you to place issues in perspective and
to prioritize.
2. Guard your heart
It is presently notable that anxiety can greatly increase your risk of
hypertension, cardiovascular failures, and other heart issues. There are
researches to show that stress and anxiety can lead to a whole lot of health
problems that are heart-related. If you want to live longer and protect your
heart, you should make out time to calm your mind.
Drawn out times of stress and anxiety cause hormones to be discharged in
the body that influences how the heart functions. This can cause long haul
harm if not tended to. Serious anxiety can trigger such a great amount of
adrenaline to be discharged that an individual can experience symptoms of
a heart attack like palpitations or even have a physical cardiovascular
Finding a way to diminish and handle anxiety by figuring out how to calm
your mind is vital to taking care of the heart.
3. Battling ailments
It is common knowledge that people appear to capitulate to more ailments –
colds, tummy bugs, coughs, and sore throats – when they feel anxious or
Increased stress and anxiety will cause you to succumb to colds, cases of
flu, and other infections. This is because your immune system is affected
when you are stressed. As such, your immune system cannot really fight
infections the way it should.
If you wind up continually fending off infections or you appear to catch
every infection that is around you, decreasing your feelings of anxiety couldhelp. Figuring out how to viably calm your mind is critical to decreasing
pressure and could empower you to lead a progressively profitable and
more beneficial life – which thusly breaks the cycle of stress and anxiety,
which adds to your sicknesses.
4. Fight against depression and anxiety
The World Health Organization estimates that 350 million people all over
the world experience the ill effects of depression. Depression and anxiety
are presently the leading sources of disability. Specialists in the field feel
that it is no happenstance that the rates at which people struggle with
depression and anxiety have grown comparatively with their stress levels.
These can all be blamed on not taking time to relax and calm your mind.
As well as making your life feel unsavory, uneasiness can genuinely
influence your ability to work. Ordinary day by day choices and
assignments may feel inconceivable. You may quit taking propane care of
yourself and other people under your care, and going to work or even going
outside your home might become very difficult for you.
It is important that you protect yourself from these weakening mental
conditions, particularly if there is a medical history of either. It is winding
up progressively evident that figuring out how to calm your mind is the best
technique for mitigating stress and anxiety.
5. Help with weight loss
A growing number of people are becoming overweight or obese. It is
getting increasingly obvious that weight has a direct connection to
numerous medical issues, such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and
strokes. It is crucial to your wellbeing that you can maintain healthy body
When you cannot calm your mind, your feelings of anxiety grow. Stress
causes a hormone called cortisol to be discharged into the circulatory
system, and this builds the craving to eat more. This is the reason a
considerable lot of people engage in “comfort eating.” As well as increase
your appetite, it has been indicated that cortisol makes you go after
unhealthy foods – foods high in fat and sugar. Foods in this category are
considerably bound to make you heap on the pounds. Setting aside some time to calm your mind can assist you with keeping your
body within the healthy weight range for it. Not only will relaxing diminish
the measure of comfort eating you take part in, but it will also assist you
with seeing the situation with greater lucidity. Lucidity empowers you to
design your weight control plans all the more adequately and address your
negative dietary patterns.
Calming your mind has numerous advantages – both physical and mental.
Your bustling life can make it easy for you to disregard the significance of
‘rest’ and having the choice to calm your mind. However, it is winding up
progressively evident that figuring out how to quiet down and unwind
appropriately can help you live a longer and more joyful life. Make it your
priority to become familiar with this imperative fundamental ability and set
yourself up to receive the numerous rewards. - How to Calm Your Mind through Meditation
- Alternate Nostril Breathing
Use your left thumb to hold down your left nostril and breathe in through
your right nostril. At that point, close your right nostril with your left
forefinger, so both are shut, and hold the breath. Release your left nostril
alone and breathe out.
With your right nostril still shut, breathe in through your left. Then close
your left nostril with your thumb, so the two nostrils are shut, and hold the
breath. Now, take your index finger off your right nostril and breathe out.
This is one set. Complete at least five sets to put the left and right sides of
your brain in harmony, quiet your nervous system, and create a sense of
2. The 100-Breaths Method
Close your eyes. Feel your back against your seat, and your feet squeezed
immovably on the ground, at that point delicately carry yourself into the
present moment. Then start breathing through both nostrils and count as
you go on breathing m, thinking “and” for each breathe in, and the number for each breathe out—breathe in “and,” breathe out “one”; breathe in “and,”
breathe out “two.”
Feel your tummy rude with every inward breath, and let the breaths reduce
as you count yourself into a greater feeling of calm. After you arrive at 100,
open your eyes, move your fingers and toes, and bow your head in
appreciation for the psychological space you created internally.
3. Full Body Breath Sweep
Start by breathing in through your nose, extending your stomach, and
counting to five. As you take in a breath, imagine calming warm light
filling your feet, and after that breathe out through your lips at the count of
five while envisioning yourself discharging any pressure you may have
been holding in there.
Rehash this procedure for your lower legs, your shins, your knees, etc., as
far as possible up to your head. After you wrap up your whole body, you’ll
likely feel lighter, more settled, and calmer.
4. Lip-Touching Breathing
When stirred, your sympathetic nervous system places you in a condition of
high alert—that feeling of fight or flight alarm that lets you know there’s a
type of risk. Your parasympathetic nervous system, when stimulated,
produces the contrary inclination—a feeling of relaxation and calmness.
The lips contain parasympathetic nerve strands, making this a basic way to
deal with creating a feeling of calm that you can utilize anywhere,
whenever. To receive the rewards, you should simply put your lips together,
inhale gradually, and say to yourself, “I am calm.”
5. Strolling meditation
In spite of the fact that you can do this whenever you’re strolling, you might
need to locate a serene spot to walk, away from groups, confusion, or noise
pollution. If it is a sheltered space, you can walk barefoot. This will give
you a feeling of being increasingly connected to the earth.
Remain with your spine straight, with your shoulders and arms lose, and
take a couple of inward breaths and exhalations to take in calming energyand inhale out strain.
Then start gradually moving forward and match your breathing with your
motion—right foot, breathe in, left foot, breathe out. Utilize the majority of
your faculties to completely experience where you are—the warm feeling
of sun all over, the delicate sound of wind stirring leaves on trees. The
objective isn’t to land at a destination; it’s basically to be present in the
experience of strolling.
6. Meditative bath
It’s quite easy to relinquish every other idea when you’re standing under a
flood of water, set to the ideal temperature for you.
Set aside this time to tune into your faculties. Pick a soap or shower gel you
love so that fragrance is intoxicating. Appreciate the feeling of the water on
your skin, and feel it dribble down your back, your calves, and your heels.
Notice when you start thinking of the day ahead (or behind you). Try not to
pass judgment on the thoughts or yourself for having them. Rather, imagine
them going down the drain and afterward take your concentration back to
the experience of cleansing your body and mind.
7. Task meditation
Regardless of whether you’re vacuuming, cleaning, or washing dishes, it
very well may be your meditation time if you immerse yourself totally in
Washing dishes, for instance, can be both fulfilling and calming. Feel the
warm water on your hands; let yourself appreciate the experience of making
something grimy clean once more. Try not to consider completing or what
you’ll do when you’re done. Concentrate exclusively on the doing and check
whether you can discover a feeling of acknowledgment and calmness in
doing it gradually and well.
8. Mindful Eating
Rather than eating rapidly with one eye on your food and the other on your
phone, transform supper time into meditation time. It doesn’t take long to
eat, so why not set everything aside and set aside this time for yourself?Your mails, messages, and social media pages will still be there when you’re
Inhale deeply and attempt to recognize the various subtleties of aroma in
everything on your plate. At the point when you’re eating, take full breaths
between each nibble, and consider your meal like a foodie, valuing the
various flavors and textures.
If you discover your thoughts meandering to things you’ve done or need to
do, draw your thoughts to the feeling of the fork in your hand. Then inhale
deeply, take a bite, and concentrate on relishing the food before you.