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- Astral travel is something that most people find a mystery, but it is
something that has grown in popularity. While a lot of people still find it
odd, it’s important to know that you and everybody else do astral travel
every time you sleep. Very few people are able to remember what happens
when they travel.
Astral travel, for those who don’t know, is where your astral body leaves
your physical body and travels to some other area. This is an interesting
thing and is a skill that will allow you to travel anywhere in the world
without having to pay. You can see the Great Wall, the Taj Mahal, Ireland,
Australia, and any other place you could imagine. You can even visit other
magical planes of existence and celestial spheres. This is the main reason
why so many people want to learn how to astral travel.
When the subject of astral travel comes up, something a lot of people will
ask is how safe it is. This is a fair question. Astral travel is the separation of
the physical and astral body, but death is really nothing more than a
permanent separation of the two bodies, so that means it must be dangerous,
right? Not exactly. Astral travel is actually very safe. You don’t have to be
afraid of it because you have already been doing it for years. The only
difference is that you weren’t aware of it. Learning to astral travel will
allow you to do so and remember your trips.
Fear is very common when it comes to learning about astral travel. I can tell
you a million times that it is safe, but it’s not easy to believe what I say.
How can it not be scary when you notice that you are no longer a part of
your physical body? Practice is what will help you to work through this
fear. Fear is one of the main reasons why astral travel doesn’t work for
some people. Fear will cause you to pull your astral body back into your
physical body. This is why it’s important that you learn how to conquer this
fear. You have to understand that this is completely safe.
As soon as you feel afraid, even if just the slightest bit, you will be yanked
back into your physical body. Returning to your physical body is extremelyeasy to do. All you have to do is will yourself back. Simply thinking, “I
want to be back in my body,” is enough to take you to it. This is why you
need to have good control over your thoughts. The important thing is that
you cultivate a positive mindset and try not to be afraid. Furthermore, a
negative mindset while astral traveling will cause you to attract negative
entities. Again, you don’t need to worry about these things because you will
be brought back to your physical body before you face any actual danger.
While astral traveling, some people experience the silver cord. This silver
cord is like an umbilical cord that connects your astral and physical body.
This shows you that your two bodies are never really separated. Not
everybody witnesses this silver cord. If you don’t see one, that is not a big
deal. If you do see one, don’t worry about it; continue on with your journey.
When you travel, you may see your physical body and possibly your astral
form, but you could also appear as nothing but consciousness. You might
see the things around you or you could just hear. The more you practice this
skill, the better you will become.
You may even encounter other entities or beings in the astral plane. When
you are first starting out, it is best that you try not to communicate with
anyone or anything in the astral world. As long as you ignore them, they
won’t bother you. Again, there is no need to be afraid. If you start to sense
danger, you can head back to your physical body. If something bad starts to
happen, your astral body will automatically be pulled back into your body.
Not only will you be able to travel to amazing places with this, but will also
help you to deal with any fears you have concerning death. Death is only
the permanent separation of your physical and astral body. With astral
travel, it’s only temporarily. This will serve as proof that there is life after
your physical body perishes.
Most people want to learn astral travel because of its wonderful benefits.
The great thing is that everybody has the ability to learn how. Like with any
other ability or skill, you have to practice. Luckily, you sleep every night, sopractice is easy. With astral travel, the body sleeps, but your consciousness
stays awake. We’re going to go through some different methods of travel. Travel Methods
Mental Travel : This isn’t technically astral traveling, but it is a good place
for people to start. Once you have become skilled in this, it will help you to
get into real astral traveling. This will only need you to use your mind. Your
astral and physical bodies will start together. Depending on how powerful
your visualization skills are, this could become an astral journey for you.
Follow these steps.
1. Get into a comfortable position, laying down. Allow yourself to
relax. Take a deep breath in and out and relax as if you are going
to sleep. Make sure that you stay awake mentally and that your
spine remains straight.
2. Visualize the room that you are in. Use your mental eyes to see
through your closed eyes. Do your best to look all around your
room and pay close attention to the small details and the objects
you have in your room.
3. Visualize yourself stepping out of this room and into the next
room of your house. Visualize this room clearly, like you did the
first. Continue to move through the rooms of your house as if you
were walking to your front door.
4. Step outside of your house and then roam about your
neighborhood and travel wherever you want.
5. Once you are finished with your travels, all you need to do is to
visualize the room that you are in and think about your physical
body. Slowly start to wiggle your toes and fingers and then open
your eyes.
This may be nothing but a visualization exercise; it is also helpful to get
your mind ready. When you do this, make sure that you visualize these
places as clearly as you can. This isn’t astral traveling because you won’t
have to visualize when you travel, but this is still a great step in the right
direction.Roll-Out Method : In this method of astral traveling, you separate your two
bodies by rolling onto your side.
1. Lay down and get ready to go to sleep. Your body is going to fall
asleep, but your consciousness will be awake. Lay there and
allow your body to relax, rest, and sleep.
2. As you do this, feel and think that you are just an astral being.
Keep this mindset for a few minutes. When you feel that you
have become connected with your astral body, believing that you
are your astral body and not a physical one, you should notice
that the physical being is asleep, but your astral body remains
3. After you have reached this, you will roll out to the side and
leave your astral body. If everything goes well, you will notice
that you are no longer a part of your physical body and that you
are your astral body.
4. Make sure that you don’t allow fear to creep in. It can be startling
to see your physical body sleeping there in front of you, but if
you allow yourself to become afraid, you will be pulled back into
your physical body.
5. You should only roll over onto your side once you no longer feel
connected with your physical body. This may have to be tried
several times so that you can learn the right sensation or signal
for the rolling motion. You can roll to either side that you want;
the important thing is to do this with your astral body.
Floating : This one will have you float out of your physical body.
1. As always, lay down and become relaxed. Your spine needs to be
straight. Take a deep breath in and out and allow yourself to
relax, but don’t fall asleep. Your physical body should be the
only thing that falls asleep.
2. Feel yourself in your astral body and not your physical body.
Look around your room with just your astral eyes. Let the
physical body to continue to relax and fall asleep. 3. Notice that when you inhale, your astral being will become
lighter. As you feel lighter, you will begin to float. You will first
float above your physical body, and then you will float higher.
4. At this point, stop thinking about your breath. Focus on the feel
of your astral body. Identify with only your astral body and
continue to float higher. Move so that you above your house and
floating in the clouds.
5. What kinds of things do you see? You have now made it into the
astral. Now, all you have to do is think of a place you want to
travel to. Think about that place and you will instantly be
transported there. If you don’t have a particular place in mind,
you can simply roam around your neighborhood.
6. Once you want to return home, think about your bedroom. When
you are back in your room, watch your physical body sleep.
Move closer and enter it. Wiggle your toes and fingers and
slowly open your eyes.
Third Eye : With this technique, you will need an open third eye. Through
your third eye, you will separate your two bodies.
1. Lay down and relax. As your physical body falls asleep, your
mind remains awake. Your spine should be straight so that your
energy flow is not interrupted.
2. Once you are feeling relaxed, start to focus on being only your
astral body. Notice how you feel trapped inside of your physical
body. Picture the glowing indigo light of your third eye and see it
as a gateway. This is going to lead you into the astral.
3. Focus on your chakra and view it as a way to enter the astral
realm. Move your astral body and leave your physical body
through your third eye chakra.
4. Make sure you don’t allow yourself to become afraid of seeing
your physical body laying there. The third eye chakra is the
chakra that is the closest to the spirit world, so it is a great
doorway into the astral realm.All of these techniques can be used for astral travel. Pick the one that you
find the easiest to do. There is no need to know how to use all of the
techniques perfectly because you only need to use one each time. You can
also adjust these techniques as well. There aren’t any specific rules that you
have to follow for astral travel. Most of the time, astral traveling will
happen unintentionally where you become conscious of it once you have
left your physical body. These techniques are helpful because you can
intentionally travel and choose exactly where you want to go. Helpful Hints
There are a few different things you can do to help make you more
successful when you try to astral travel.
You won’t be able to astral travel when you aren’t relaxed. The less relaxed
you are, the more attached you are to your physical body. It’s important that
you make sure your body is so relaxed that it is asleep and that your mind
stays focused. When you start out, don’t try to think of it as astral traveling.
Try to focus on getting your body relaxed like you were just going to sleep.
Have an empty stomach
It is best to astral travel when you have an empty stomach. If you are full,
your energy will be divided because your body needs the energy to digest
your food, so make sure you don’t try this right after you have eaten. Make
sure it has been at least two hours since you ate before you try astral
traveling. A light snack is fine, but not a large meal. You need your energy
for your travels.
Practice regularly
Just like with anything, it’s important that you practice regularly. It’s a good
idea to practice this every night before you go to sleep. If you tend to
always fall asleep and lose consciousness, then you may want to try this
early each morning. Your body will already be rested and you will be less
likely to fall asleep.Don’t expect anything
Expectations tend to ruin astral travel. Release your expectations. You
shouldn’t even expect to be successful. Expecting something will take away
the energy that you need for your travels. It can also end up adding
pressure, which isn’t going to help you. Instead, try to really relax. While
you may know what to expect when you do this, it is a better idea to forget
all of this when you start your induction. Focus on what you need to do and
forget everything else.
Psychic protection
This is not a requirement, but it’s good to help alleviate any fear you may
have and to add some extra protection. The following are some good ways
to protect yourself.
Remove negative thoughts when traveling.
Sprinkle some saltwater on yourself before you start your travels. This will
protect you from negative energies.
Place a circle of salt around your bed.
Picture a white ball of light around your body. This is shielding you of
negative energies.
Say a quick prayer before your travel, asking for protection (vinodhan,)