Money is also a form of energy, is the reason for the term “ energy exchange “. Money can be put to a good or a bad use, depending upon the intention of the entity collecting it. But charging in monetary terms, for healing in any form, is a questionable practice. Well, there is no as such Reiki rule to not to do it for free . In general Reiki practitioner do ‘ energy exchange’ for the services provided. Now ,this energy exchange can be monetary, in kind or service. It should be in lieu for the level of service provided. Now why do they emphasize on the energy exchange which is mostly monetary in nature ? 

It’s related to the law of energy and karma . When the Reiki practitioner or for that matter any human being does some service to you ,you become indebted to them and that creates a bond between you and the person who did the service . Now, if you don’t nullify this debt by doing the exchange back in monetary terms or providing service ,the bond will keep existing and somewhere in your present life or other you will be made to pay that debt by some means or other.

Also , Reiki practitioner may not want to have attachment or bond with every client or student as it may cause emotional and related issues in his/ her life . So, they ask for the energy exchange to balance the transaction for the services provided. Plus, Reiki is a God’s gift to humanity and it needs to be appreciated and honored by providing something valuable in exchange to the practitioner .

My premise being that it means, that the healer himself has no trust in existence, to provide for him, if he doesn’t charge a fee. It escapes me that how one can even think of selling a gift of existence, like healing, which is bestowed upon us to lessen suffering. Healing is ultimately satisfying in itself. This is the reason people keep on moving from one healer to another, one therapist to another. The contamination by a mind of commerce is not good. Let see  In order to help students appreciate such a “pearl of great price”, and to ensure that people who take First & second Degree, Third Degree, Fourth Degree & Mastership &  Grand master. are actually motivated enough to use it, Mrs. Takata always encouraged an exchange of energy regarding Reiki. It is very similar going into a doctor’s office where you pay a fee for medical advice. If you have paid hard earned money for your advice, you are much more likely to follow it.

After giving many Reiki treatments for quite some time, according to Mrs. Takata, Dr. Usui noticed that many people took the results for granted, and did not really take responsibility for their own health (much like many people who want an instant pill or cure all from a doctor, but who will not correct the bad diet or lack of exercise which caused the problem in the first place). People generally paid the equivalent of doctor’s visit for a Reiki treatment (Dr. Usui was after all, a physician with a wife and two children).

To help people learn First Degree Reiki so that they could take better care of themselves, Mrs. Takata accepted or charged the equivalent of a week’s worth of labor; for Second Degree the equivalent of month’s worth of labor; and for Third Degree the equivalent of a year’s worth of labor. After such payment, people were no longer beholden to her and could gain the most benefit.

Today unfortunately, many people have turned Reiki into a business and have no concept of the rationale behind charging for Reiki. Some give it away for practically nothing in order to be “competitive”, with the result that the students often don’t appreciate what they have received. Others do to their charisma and popularity charge exorbitant fees, teach low quality classes where their students are given little or no time to learn how to practice simple and straightforward Reiki.

Over the past twenty years, there has been much controversy in the Reiki community about the issue of the correct fees. At this point, there is no need to add fuel to the fire because to the intelligent observer the question of the right fee resolves itself. Reiki empowers you to become healthy and whole through applying the very energy you are actually made of. If you take this statement as a fact, you’ll ultimately cherish the gift of Reiki and be willing to pay for it. On the other hand, if you don’t even have an inkling of the depth and potential of the Reiki energy, then taking a Reiki class is probably not a good idea for you anyway.

Also, nowhere did Dr. Usui himself state that the exchange of energy has to be made in hard cash. You can be creative and think of other forms when they are called for, like a work of art or a piece of jewelry or certain services. However, I would strongly suggest that the teacher not become the banker for the student. The exchange of energy should be completed before the attunements are given to avoid any source for future conflicts. 

The bottom line is: whether looking for a class or a treatment, discernment is needed. It is best not to necessarily go with the cheapest offer, but to look for quality in the practitioner or teacher.

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