Neuro linguistic programming (NLP) is the study of
what works in thinking, language, and behavior. It is a
way of coding and reproducing excellence that
enables you to consistently achieve the results that you want
both for yourself, for your business, and for your life.
We live in a world of unprecedented change. We are
immersed in unpredictability and complexity. The more we
discover the more there is to discover. Every question reveals
yet more questions.
We need skills and attitudes to help us learn how to make
sense of chaos. We need to know how to find certainty within
ourselves about what we want and what we believe when
everything around us may seem to challenge who we are. We
need to take care of ourselves and stand alone in our selfassurance and empathy for others, yet we need to be able to
show others our weaknesses and ask for help. We need to know
how to pick ourselves up when we are down, to learn from
uncertainty and disappointment, to shape our direction and to
be prepared to lose all.
We need the capacity to move more quickly than ever
before and at the same time to stand still and drink in the
richness of the moment. We need to know how to communicatehttp://bodispritiualpath
with people of vastly different cultures and, more than
anything, how to communicate with ourselves. We need to
understand others’ perceptions even if they are poles apart
from ours and we need to listen to the wisdom of our own
We need to know how to laugh, to let go, to learn, to grow,
to love, to mourn, and to move on. We need humility and
graciousness and the strength to absorb our own and others’
inconsistencies. We need the resilience to remain in situations
that cause us pain and to be able to find the joy in everything
and everyone. We need to know how to find the excellence
that is within us all and to celebrate it with every part of our
heart and soul. We need to forgive, forget, and allow ourselves
and others to be who they truly are. We need to learn as we
have never learned before.
How, then, do we cope? In some ways the answer is a
paradox. Far from embarking on courses of accelerated
learning and speed reading to be able to learn faster, we need
to look within ourselves and find our unique resources. In this
way we can develop our own formulae for success. We need to
be still to discern what is important for our specific vocation
and what is not. We need to know how to learn from every
situation, everyone and every intuition.
Neuro linguistic programming (NLP) is a process of modeling
the conscious and unconscious patterns
1.Neuro By increasing our awareness of the patterns in our
thinking, we can learn how these thought patterns influence
the results we are getting in work and in life. The key to
finding personal and business success comes primarily
from within ourselves and learning about how we think
enables us to tap into our inner resources.
2. Linguistic Our language is our life. What we can say is what we
can think and what we can do. Learning to understand and master the structure of our language is essential in a world where
we trade increasingly through our ability to communicate.
3. Programming We run our lives by strategies, in a similar way
that a computer uses a program to achieve a specific result. By
understanding the strategies by which we run our lives we
give ourselves choice: choice to do more of the same or choice
to enhance our potential and our individual excellence.