Powerful IVY Spell

This spell offers a blessing and protection for a new business and a boost to improve its chances of future success it uses ivy, known to the Celts as girt. which is associated with protection and endurance, both of which will benefit a brand-new enterprise. Ivy is fast growing, as well as tenacious, and has the ability to find its way over and around obstacles. Any project blessed by the power of ivy is sure to find such qualities useful. Although setting up your own enterprise can be exciting, it can also feel pretty scary particularly when you are set to stand or fall by your own actions. Trading in employee status for self-employment offers the chance to make your own way in the world, but it brings with it responsibilities and risks that you may not have encountered head-on in your previous working life. At the same time as this spell works to protect and advance your new project, it also works to erase worries and steady the nerves of the proud new owner/manager! In order to maximize this particular benefit, burn juniper berries every night for seven nights prior to the full moon, and secure a twist of ivy to place around your bedpost.


This is a Very Need To This For Ritual and you have to receive some luck from universe  TO PROCURE SUCCESS IN A NEW BUSINESS OR ENTERPRISE PURPOSE To protect a new business or enterprise and thereby procure its future success.

One charcoal disk in a fireproof dish

One deep blue candle, 6-8″/15-20 cm in length

One green candle, 6-8″/15-20 cm in length

Matches or a lighter

Two teaspoons of dried juniper berries

One 8″/20 cm forked twig of mountain ash (rowan)

One long twist of wild ivy, approximately 24″/60 cm in length


TIMING :Work on a waxing moon to attract success and build protection and endurance, and on a Thursday, day of fortuitous Jupiter.

1 Cast a circle in accordance with the guidelines on pages 32-55.

2 Light the charcoal disk, then the blue

candle, saying: Fortuna, mother of fortune Smile upon your child.

Light the green candle, saying: Erce, mother of evergreens Smile upon my venture.

3 4 Burn the juniper berries on the disk. Pass the twig of mountain ash (rowan)

through the scented smoke, saying: Steadfast and pure Hold fast and endure.

5 Twist the ivy around the stick, bottom to top and back again, and pass it through the incense smoke again, saying: Semper, semper, semper.

6 Place the entwined twig in front of the candles, and using both hands, direct the incense toward your heart, saying: Guard and protect me; I harm none

Vinodhan, 7010054619

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