The first symbol is also known as Power Symbol. The one that speeds up energy-flow and has the capacity to empower the other symbols.
This symbol activates the Reiki-flow. Energizes and empowers the other symbols. At the healing session, this is the last symbol to be invoked. While beginning the Reikisession, it can be visualized on both the palms facing your face. As soon as the name is uttered for the third time, you could experience huge energy-flow. The person you touch thereafter would instantaneously feel warmth/heat.
This is used for protection, too. Move it anti-clock-wise around anything – person, vehicle, home. Name it thrice. And protection is ensured. Likewise, beginning with the East, place this symbol in all ten directions. It will ensure throwing out the negative energy and filling the room with positive energy. When projected on the Crown Chakra it activates the entire energy field, compensates the energy-depletion and recharges the body and mind. It seals Reiki intent and positive affirmation. At the end of the healing session, it is used for sealing the energy transmitted to the healer.
We should note here that this symbol does not come from Japanese Kanji (script). Rather, this is a symbol received from the Tibetan Vajrayaan tradition. The Distant symbol and the master symbol belong to the Japanese Kanji and as such their meanings can be found in a dictionary. The meaning of this symbol can be derived from within the tantra as in the case of other Buddhist symbols.If we minutely observe the structure of this symbol, we would know that this symbol manifests all the seven chakras (Root chakra upwards to the crown chakra) on the spine. That means this symbol, takes care of the entire body-mind-soul system. The second symbol is also known as Mental/Emotional Symbols. Need it be said that from the point of view of healing, this is a most used and effective symbol do you want to learn reiki you get some more energy and power.
Vinodhan, 7010054619