To prevent and eradicate constipation, the following can be practiced regularly Constipation is a condition in which a person has uncomfortable or infrequent bowel movements. Generally, a person is considered to be constipated when bowel movements result in passage of small amounts of hard, dry stool, usually fewer than three times a week.
1. Get up early in the morning. Drink 750 ml of warm water (water that is heated and then cooled) in the empty stomach.
2. Do stretching Hatha Yoga exercises (without bending the knees) slowly in a relaxed manner.
3. Get rid of the faecus without any other thoughts in the toilet. 4. People with chronic and frequent constipation practise “Yoga Basti” (“Yoga Basti” means a technique to clean the intestinal tract with water and get goodhygienic body).
4.This should be practised at least once in a week, after learning it from a Yoga Master.
5. Basti means cold water enema to get rid of all the waste matter from the bowel.
6. Intake of fresh vegetables, fruits, and greens will prevent constipation. People without blood sugar, blood pressure, can take milk, curd, gee, and butter.
7. Eat less food in the morning. Eat for half stomach in afternoon and fill a quarter part with water and leave the other quarter empty. At night, eat very little food.
8. It is advisable to minimise chillies, masalas,carbo-hydrates, and excess fats for people with constipation. Take fresh vegetable, food and fruits for good digestion. Never be awake after 10 o’clock. Go to bed early and rise early. Have a good sound sleep.
9. Eat a banana (any variety is good, but beware of green banana, since it might cause cold to some people) and sleep well at night for proper bowel movement in the morning.
10. One important point is, “drink at least three liters of water everyday.”
11. Peel off the skin of myrobalan (thandrikai) and emblic myrobalan in equal amounts, mix them (by making them into a fine powder) and add honey to it. Take one teaspoon of it before sleep. This is a siddha prescription for prevention of constipation. This is also called “Tripalati Kayakalpam.” By eating this preparation, it keeps all the three, vatha (gas), pitta (heat) and kapha (cold) in a balanced proportion.
12. By eating carrot, papaya, tomato, etc., constipation is prevented. 13. Meditating everyday keeps our body and mind relaxed, free om depression, confusion, etc. and naturally, constipation is prevented
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