Gems are the precious stones of different quality and colour and are the products of nature. The Lord of colours is the Sun. The Lord of creation is also the Sun. The Sun has bestowed-life to everything on the earth through these colours and, therefore, every colour is represented by these precious stones e.g. Ruby, Pearl, Coral, Emerald, Topaz, Diamond and Blue-Sapphire.

In India, gems are mostly used for increasing the wealth and longivity, for power and popularity and for averting diseases and disasters. The want of anything makes one restless and perpetual restlessness consumes our energy. The loss of energy wears the garb of a disease. Gemtherapy believes, “Disease is nothing but the colour hunger”. A Gemtherapist understands the colour-hunger in different diseases. If you recieve the colour which your body needs, you are cured of the disease and for this purpose you take either the radiated globules of the relevant gem or wear the gem. There are references to gems and their power in early works on Astrology in Sanskrit. The oldest Puran, Vishnu Puran, makes elaborate observations on the origin and the power of gems. Even to this day highly ambitious people wear gems for increasing their wealth and the diseased wear them for relieving their sufferings. Gems are used all over the globe in one way or the other. Most of the gems are used as medicine. In Ayurveda, they have been described for their use as medicine. There are elaborate processes for burning the gems and for turning them into ashes for administration to patients suffering from various simple and serious diseases. Undoubtedly, there is a great inherent power in gems particularly with reference to health.

The Origin of Disease

Mind controls the body and a very large percentage of diseases originates in mind. The visible expressions of the mind are emotions. namely: anger. hatred, worry, anxiety. avarice, affection, envy, fear, frustration, greed, jealousy, etc. Thse emotions put the Chakras (plexii) out of order and the secretions from the glands produce harmful effect and cause disease. The human being consists of body, mind and spirit and all the three need treatment-the mind is more important than the body. 

The nine important gems are used for nine colours and represent nine planets as follows:


1. Ruby

2. Pearl

3. Coral

4. Emerald

5. Moon Stone




Orange, white









Jupiter6. Diamond

7. Sapphire

8. Gomeda (Onyx)

9. Cat’s Eye

Indigo Violet

Ultra-violet Infra-red





The gems always radiate cosmic colour rays. The human body is composed of cells. Every cell has its composition according to these comic rays. The state of equilibrium of these cosmic rays in the cells keeps the body healthy. When this equilibrium is disturbed, the body develops disease which can be cured by supplying deficiency of the color ray. 

How Gems Cure Diseases

Our body is composed of seven primary colours of the Solar Spectrum, namely: Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange and Red. When there is deficiency or absence of any of these primary colours in the body, we are attacked by the diseases. For example, when red rays are absent, diseases like Anemia, Fever, Inflammation, Physical debility, Weakness, Loss of vitality, etc., invade our body. These diseases can be cured by injecting red rays into our body, by wearing or by taking the radiated globules of the gems of red planets, namely the Sun and the Mars. Their favorite gems are Ruby and Red Coral. When these gems come in contact with our body, they inject red rays into our body whereby deficiency is made up and we become free from the diseases.

Again when there is excess of red rays in our body, the excess produce diseases like boils, tumors, sun-stroke, con junctivitis, insanity, insomnia, headache, carbuncle, etc. These diseases can be quickly cured by injecting cold rays into the body by taking globules of or by wearing cold stones. The most favourite cold stones are Moon Stone, Yellow Sapphire, White Pearl and Emerald.

Therefore, the state of equilibrium of rays is required to be maintained in our body in order to keep it healthy and free from any disease. Any excess or deficiency would result in appearance of diseases. Each gem has abundant source of one specific rays. This source is not exhausted even after constant use of several years. That is why gems are considered most valuable healing agents. Certain gems have wonderful healing power. The most use full gems are Red Coral, White Pearl. Moon Stone. Emerald and Yellow Sapphire. Some gems are very dangerous also for example: Ruby, Cat’s Eye and Blue Sapphire, if unsuitable.

How Gems are Used in Gem therapy

Gems are made use of in different ways in different systems of treatment. In Ayurveda. the gems are burnt into ashes and the ashes called Bhasmas are given to the patients with honey or with other medicines. In Unani system of tratment, the gems are ground into very thin and fine powder and are given like the Bhasmas of Ayurveda. Use of gems is also made in Homoeopathic way and sugar of milk globules are saturated in tinctures prepared from gems. The procedure as follows:

An empty clean phial of 30 ml. (one ounce) is taken and one dram of rectified spirit is pured in it. The gem, medicine of which is required to be prepared, is immersed in the rectified spirit and the phial is well-corked. The phial is kept in a dark place protected from light for 7 days. The phial is then taken out and given good shakes. The rectified spirit is transferred to another phial of 30 ml. and homoeopathic blank globules are added to the spirit. By gentle rotation of the phial all the globules are saturated with the gem remedy. The medicine of the particular gem is then ready for use. The gem may be preserved safely for being utilised similarly later on. The gem does not lose its power or effect and may be used as many times as required.

If medicine of more than one gem is required to be pre pared, all the gems concerned may be immersed in the rectified spirit together and the same procedure may be followed.


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