Shanmukhi mudra is a simple but subtle practice that brightens and rejuvenates the face and eyes and brings about a state of balance leading toward increased awareness and meditativeness”Shan,” “Shat,” “Shasti” all these mean six. Even Lord Muruga, the Lord of Hindu religion is called “Shanmuga,”. “Shanmuga” means “with six faces.” “The Lord with 12 hands and 6 faces, live long…” all these compliments go to Lord Muruga.There is one type of karma (duty). It is “Shatkarma.” They are, charity, receiving, reading, to teach, vetal and vettuvithal (Tamil Word). They classify our body activities into two types. One is “Karma Yanthra” (action machine) and the other is “Gnana Yanthra” (wisdom machine). To lead the worldly life, we use “Karma Yanthra” (action machine) and to attain wisdom, we use “Gnana Yanthra” (wisdom machine). These were formulated by ancient seers.

To attain wisdom, to regulate and make the five senses go in the right direction, the eyes, ears, nose, mouth and skin, and to prevent the negative thoughts which arise naturally, this “Gnana Yanthra” is used.”Shanmuki Mudra” is closing all the six holes in body temporarily. The six holes are the two ears, two eyes, and the two nostrils. Basically, these six holes are like nature’s open entrance. In this, we can close or open the mouth by our will. In Shanmuki Mudra, we are closing the two eyes, two ears, and two nostrils temporarily by yogic method and concentrating the thoughts internally and thereby attaining yogic siddhis. This is like a lens, which converges the sunrays and creates fire. In the same way, in the Shanmuki Mudra, the thoughts gets focussed and “wisdom fire” is created. By using this wisdom fire, we can lead a happy life.

The nine holes in the body are eyes-2, ears-2, nostrils-2, mouth-1, genital-1 and anus-1. In this, six open entrances are closed and because of this, all the three, body, thought and breathing are controlled and regulated. This stimulates excellent vibrations in the body. To attain yogic light, these exercises are greatly beneficial when used.

Benefits Of Shanmukhi Mudhra 

  1. Sense Stimulation – Shanmukhi mudra helps stimulating our senses. It creates awareness in our minds. It makes us calm and composed.
  2. Activating Chakra – The Ajna chakra gets active by performing shanmukhi mudra.
  3. Relieving Negative Emotions – Shanmukhi mudra helps to rejuvenate our senses and release stress and anxiety by removing negative feelings from our minds.
  4. Balancing Five Elements(Panchatatwa) – All the five elements become balanced by this mudra. This mudra raises consciousness within our self.
  5. Energy Channelization – Shanmukhi mudra helps to channelize the energy inward.
  6. Improved Focus – It enhances our attention and focuses on anything we perform in day-to-day activities.
  7. Awakening Kundalini – Shanmukhi mudra works as a facilitator for awakening kundalini Shakti, with its profoundness.
  8. MInd StopShanmukhi mudra helps to control Your Easily 

1. Sit in Padmasana, Siddhasana, or in Sukhasana posture. Keep the back, head and hip straight. Check the growth of your nails and see that it does not hinder your practise. Be in a relaxed mind.

2. Bring both hands, raise to shoulder level. Keep the left hand thumb on the left ear to block the passage, the right hand thumb on right ear to block the passage so as to prevent external noises from entering the ear.

3. Just close it lightly and not press heavily like hitting the ear. Now, bring the index finger of both hands and place on both sides of eyelids and close the eyes. The eye glands should not be affected in anyway. Now, bring the ring finger and small finger to close the two lips. Bring the two middle fingers and close the left and right nostrils respectively.4. In this setup, you can do two types of yogic breathing exercises. One is Pranayama. By closing the eyes, cars and mouth, you inhale air by releasing middle finger sideways. This stage is called “Shanmuki Mudra.”

5. In this, every individual will have different internal visions. For some, it might be black color and for some it is yellow color and some might experience blue or it might be different scenes. In the retention process, stay as long as you can. Then, release the middle finger from the nostril and exhale slowly and consistently.

6. Again inhale air and come to retention phase and be in Shanmuki Mudra. People unable to retain breath due to some ailments of nose, can just close the nostrils and do this mudra. This is a simple way of practise.

The process of closing the ears with two thumbs, ears with index finger, nose with middle finger, mouth and lips with two ring fingers and two small fingers is called as”Shanmuki Mudra.” Since ears, eyes, mouth and nostrils are temporarily closed, it brings numerous yogic powers, over years of practise.

Advantages of practise.:

1. This Shanmuki Mudra is the most powerful mudra. This is also called “yoni” mudra. Due to body movement, both body and thoughts get disturbed. By doing this mudra, both body and thoughts are regulated and it enables one to control his movements.

2. One can attain the highest stage in life that he sets for himself by using Shanmuki Mudra, to regulate and control the thought process.

3. By getting up at “Brahmamuhurtham,” (the time between 4-6 a.m.) and practising these mudras and bandhas, one can get rid of worries, lack of peace of mind, sexual hallucinations, problems caused by planetary positions, diseases and other numerous problems. This Shanmuki Mudra is the pioneer among various other mudras and bandhas.

4. By regular practise for long periods of time, one experiences “Nada Brahman” (sound vibration) in himself. By doing this mudra with full attention, you can clearly hear the “Nada” all the time.

5. People under worldly ties who are exposed to daily worries, depression, etc, can practise this mudra. By constant practise, a metamorphic change occurs in one’s life and it brings prosperity in life.

6. Man binds himself with his eyes by looking at the external world. He hears with ears and gets both good and bad information. He eats through the mouth to sustain his life on this earth. So, in this ShanmukiMudra, eyes, ears, nose, and mouth holes are closed for some time from external world and introduced to internal world inside the body. By doing so, infinitely good changes occur in one’s life. So, better start practising it now.

Points : To attain spiritual light yogic exercises like Retention, Jalandhara Bandha, Ashwini Mudra, Uddiyana Bandha, and Shanmuki Mudra are very helpful Life energy is very precious for each and every one of us. Once you know to direct the life energy for your own improvement you will see the changes around and within you. So instead of wasting useless actions (fighting, arguing) by practicing Shanmukhi mudra, if you channelize inside direction it will produce a whole new creation for you.

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