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Amazing Rasamani created by Siddhars, Benefits of wearing Rasamani which improves human life. They became the best in the religion of Yoga and Wisdom without just standing with medicine. The metal transfer they discovered is the greatest secret that no one can unveil till date. The trick to turn the most ordinary metals into gold. This is called alchemy. Rasamani is a rare invention of these Siddhas. It is said that Siddhas used Rasakuligai to move from one place to another. Magical prayers would have been formed for the formal Rasamani. When thinking of going elsewhere, if you put this rasamani in your mouth, they will get the power to fly in the air. This is the time Siddhar says that Bogar went to China from India. We are not saints, not yogis or gnani to achieve magic. Neither are the Siddhars. Normal people. Magic Siddhi will be available only to those who don’t have affection and money. But medical benefits are not included in the number. The human body is made of three levels of argument, madness and anger. When all three are equal, the body is healthy. Health is affected when this balance is deteriorated. Argument is the gas for our physical growth. Insanity is the body that gives the heat it needs to stay in our body, anger is the coolness it needs. If these three are added or decreased, health will be affected. In that way, if the argument increases, 1482 diseases, 1482 diseases if madness decreases, and 1482 diseases if the anger decreases. Balancing this is Rasamani. Wearing Rasamani will get rid of fatigue and get active. Helps keep the blood circulation more balanced. Circulating the blood protects the health of the body, especially those who suffer from blood pressure related diseases, wearing it can return to normal life. This Rasamani has the ability to cleanse the blackness of Kundilini’s feet. Chemicals are very useful for the functioning of body organs properly. Wearing Rasamani, the concerned person’s inner light is stimulated and the face is shining. Thoughtfulness and intelligence will glow. This Rasamani always has the power to keep it young even if it is old, and it keeps the one who wears Rasamani with a defeated glow. Rasamani has the power to spoil the sperm. Rasamani is used to protect and restore against the harm of evil powers like black, billy, and witchcraft. Fair business and business development are a great support to success. Rasamani definitely has the ability to prevent accidents while travelling in vehicles and vehicles. Memory power will be high, couple life will be happy, husband wife unity will be high. Rasamani is very useful in giving the most protection to small children, it protects children from frequent diseases. Let’s keep stacking its benefits like this. Rasamani is the one that is in liquid state of mercury is wrapped with herbal extracts, turned into solid material with the same herbal extract and worn as a medicinal cure. Siddhas promise that Ashtama Siddus can also dance with Ramani. But they didn’t explain the hectic key. The explained ones are not in a state of understanding. Maybe Kaliyuga didn’t need this. Even if Ashtama Siddhi’s don’t join hands for us, if we get health, if we have a sick life, it is enough to get protection from negative energy. These chemicals help a lot with that.
And those who chant mantra can also do it with Rudraksha..
It will be more beneficial to chant mantra with Rasamani garland.
For those who need more rasamani
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