BALANCE or Equilibrium is an important Divine rule in Universe everywhere, in every sphere. There is balance in nature, between earth and water, between air and space, between heat and cold. If this balance is upset, it will lead to ECOLOGICAL IMBALANCE and will spell disaster for mankind. That is why the whole world is now worried over Global warming. In our life, in all fields, political, social, religious, personal, there has to be a balance. Any imbalance leads to friction, tension, conflict. We are all afraid of IMBALANCE. That is why we talk of Balance all the time balanced food, balanced life-style, balanced social behavior. The individual, the society, the Universe-all rest on balanced Our whole Universe including plants, animals, human beings, is made up of five elements; namely Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space. They co-exist in a fixed proportion. However, every now and then, this balance is being continuously upset due to a variety of factors, and whenever this happens, counter forces set in to bring back balance. Such is the Law of Nature- a constant struggle to keep the balance.
Human body is a unique structure created by God which consists of bones and muscles (Earth element), blood (Water element), breath (Air element), heat (Fire element), and emptiness within (Space element). As in the Universe, so it is in our body- a fine balance amongst these five elements. Take away any one element and the body will collapse. Even a small imbalance amongst them makes sick. But an imbalance is always occurring in our body at every moment due to lot of factors, both endogenous and exogenous. The food we eat, the way we think, the way we behave, the way we live our daily life, the way we react to outside factors, everything affects the balanced Action and reaction is a constant feature. Imbalance occurs every moment. But the imbalance is sought to be restored constantly by our conscious and subconscious efforts. God has created a unique Auto Immune System in our body which is always on the alert to fight the imbalance. We employ external force also to counter the imbalance. IMBALANCE means disease. The whole medical system, whether Allopathy, Homeopathy, Ayurveda and a host of the medical practices, is devoted to remove the imbalance and to restore the Balance.
Human body has a very intricate and complex networking system. It is a huge chemical factory wherein chemical reactions are taking place every moment. There are numerous glands in our body which work like mini chemical factories producing hormones, enzymes, endorphins and secretions to regulate the working of various organs of our body. Various types of Bio-energy, Magnetic energy, Electrical, Mechanical and Chemical energies are present in our body. These energies run the body. These energies are the vital force of the body or PRAN SHAKTI. This PRAN SHAKTI is also made up of five elements. Any imbalance in these five elements weakens the Vital Force or PRAN SHAKTI. An imbalance of Water element can lead to cold, cough, sinusitis, asthma, ascites, swellings, blood thinning or blood clotting, problem of urination and diseases of reproductive organs. Imbalanced Earth element can cause weakness, obesity, cholesterol, weight loss or weight gain, bones or muscular diseases, etc. Imbalanced Fire element will create coldness or fever, skin diseases, increased coldness or heat in body, loss of vital energy, acidity and diabetes and mental disorders. Imbalance of Air element can lead to nervous disorders, blood pressure problems, lung disorders, physical pains/deformities, depression, locomotor ataxia, etc. The space element imbalance would create thyroid disorders, throat problems, speech disorders, epilepsy, madness, foolishness, ear diseases, etc.
The five fingers of our hands are the depositories of the PRAN SHAKTIWITAL FORCE. Maximum energy flows in the tips of these fingers. But these fingers represent different components of PRAN SHAKTI. The THUMB represents FIRE (AGNI), the INDEX finger represents AIR (VAYU), the MIDDLE finger represents SPACE (AKASH), the Ring finger represents EARTH (PRITHVI) while the LITTLE finger signifies WATER (JAL). Have you ever thought as to why all these five fingers are of unequal size and NOT equally sized? The middle finger is the largest finger. It represents SPACE element which is the largest element in this Universe as well as in our body. Wherever you go in this world, the empty space stares you in the eyes. It is Omnipresent. In our body also, there are 75000 billion cells, and there is intra cellular space between each of these cells, making it the largest element in our body. There is logic behind the shape and size of our hands and fingers.
Human body is the most intricate machine, which cannot be replicated by any doctor or machine in this wand Has any doctor/ scientist been able to produce even a drop of blood? Or, is it possible to replace any part of brain or any part of the body? Human brain is the fastest possible super computer in the world. The various Endocrine glands are very fast and complex Chemical laboratories; heir’s brain pumping system is unique which works nonstop from womb till death. Lungs purify the blood continuously. The kidneys do filtration of blood continuously removing all waste products from blood through urination. God has created the wonderful Human machine destined to last for 100 years. And He has also provided an Auto Immune System within the body to keep it healthy. The Auto Immune System is a network of nerves and cells, through which energy flows into body and mind. Any impediment in these energy flows makes you sick.
How do we fall sick? Sickness is the result of and is caused by IMBALANCE in the flow of energy in the body. The energy flow to various cells, tissues and organs are regulated by a Chief Regulator in our brain. The Chief regulator is PITUITARY GLAND. This gland produces various hormones/chemicals to control all the other glands (regulators) of our body. Any mental, physical or nervous disorders, even love or anger or envy, jealousy, etc. affect the secretions of this glands. This gland, thus, affects the secretions of other glands. This gland, thus, affects the flow of Vital force or energy in the body’s already mentioned, the five fingers of our hands are a store house of PRANIC/ Magnetic energy. The tips of our fingers contain the maximum energy. They are, indeed, five SENSORS of this energy. The five fingers are a DIVINE mechanism through which we can create and maintain a balance amongst the five elements. Any imbalance in these five elements affects the Vital Energy and makes us sick. We can restore the balance through these fingers so as to keep healthy, whatever may be the disease, be it heart disease or angina or pain anywhere in the body or stomach disease or kidney disease or diseases of reproductive systems or diabetes or hypertension or depression or even cancer, all of them can be traced to the uneven flow of Vital energy in our body and therefore all of them can be cured by restoration of free flow of energy through the manipulation of the hand’s five fingers into various postures called Mudras in the science of Yoga.
Yoga is a complete science of healing as well as for prevention of diseases. This has been increasingly recognized by the doctors all over the world. But, Yoga has so far been restricted to Asanas and Pranayama. But, it is much more. Hand Mudras are an integral part of Yoga, but, unfortunately the healing aspect of these Mudras has not been well-published so far. Nevertheless, as we shall prove later in this book, the fact remains that we can keep ourselves healthy through these Mudras alone.
The modern medical science has made wonderful advances in the fields of medicine and surgery. There is, no doubt, that where surgery is required, where tissue changes have taken place in the human machine, surgery may be the only way out. But surgery is the solution only when medicinal treatment has failed or when there are emergencies, like accidents. A very large part of medical treatment of sickness involves medicinal therapy. What do the medicines do? They alter the chemical composition of the body and modify the body’s metabolism. But all allopathic medicines have proven and well documented side effects, some of which are very damaging in the long run. Besides, medicinal treatment has become a very costly proposition, involving costly consultation fees, costly pathological tests/ CT scans/MRI and very costly drugs which everybody cannot afford. Even traditional and alternative systems of medicines are also becoming very costly now. Be it allopathy, homeopathy or Ayurveda or even naturopathy, the cost of treatment is getting higher and higher (even prohibitive) without any guarantee for complete cure. Even Yoga involves practice of Asanas and Pranayama which everybody cannot do, because of physical weakness or pain and they also need to be done under expert supervision regularly. Most of the people in the fast modern world do not have time for practice of these Yogasans and Pranayams.
The science of Mudras provides the safest and the most convenient, easy-to-do hand Mudras, both for prevention as well as for the healing of diseases. With five fingers of our hands, we can magically affect the body’s metabolism and that too without spending a single penny or even a single extra minute. It does not cost any money at all. It is a FREE GIFT from God Almighty. Just as God gives us Sun, Moon, Wind, Water, Earth, plants, etc. for our upkeep; He has also replicated the same set of free gifts in our hands also. Practicing of Mudras does not involve going to doctors or hospitals, does not involve any time-consuming exercises, and does not involve any equipment at all. They can be done anywhere, anytime while sitting, walking, lying, talking, watching TV. No exclusive time is required to make Mudras. In addition, they have only HEALING effects and no side effects at all. There is a Mudra for everything Mudras for child birth, Mudras for growth of human mind and body, Mudras for mental tensions or depressions, weakness or obesity, for eyesight, for ear problems, for headache, angina, heart disease, muscular or bone pains, kidney/urinary problems, stomach disorders, prostate, for deafness, colitis, sinusitis, bronchitis, ascites, pleurisy, etc., There is a Mudra for every disease-from simple cold to cancer, cervical spondylitis, slip disk, asthma, Parkinson’s disease, backache, epilepsy, etc.
There are Mudras for improving memory and concentration, for improving efficiency, for gaining height and physical strength, for women’s menstrual problems, uterine problems/fibroids, for increasing sexual power, for improving male virility, for sexual toning up, even for improving Intuition, and for spiritual advancements. Mudras can remove earache within two minutes, can save you from heart-attack, can remove blockages from coronary arteries, and can even save pregnant women from caesarian operation. The fingers of our hands are DIVINE PHARMACY.
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