In esoteric sciences, the mental and emotional energies produced by thinking and feeling have consciousness. What you experience, think and feel produce psychic beings which are called thought forms or thought entities. In other words, your thoughts and feelings are real and can affect or influence you and other people. When a person has had a traumatic experience, the traumatic psychic energies produced are lodged in several chakras or energy centers which may in the long run manifest as stress or phobia. These traumatic energies have certain degrees of consciousness and are called traumatic thought entities. A phobia is nothing more than traumatic fear energy or “fear” thought entities that are lodged in a certain chakra or chakras of the patient. Once the phobia thought entities or the fear energy are partly or completely removed from the chakras by the pranic healer, then the patient will feel definite improvement. A traumatic experience may produce repeated thoughts of fear, poor self-esteem, insecurity, futility, and/or indifference. In the long run, these. negative thinking and feeling will produce negative thought entities with strong inhibiting effect, manifesting as severe depression.
Located at the back of the chakra near the surface of the body is an “energy web.” It is slightly smaller than the chakra by about one inch in. diameter. This energy web is called etheric web or protective web because it acts as a filter to protect the person from negative external influences. If the psychological ailment is not very severe, then some of the protective webs are just cracked. But in more serious cases, some the protective webs are punctured and have big holes. This makes the patient susceptible to “psychic disturbances” or “intrusions” by negative psychic entities or elementals. In Christian terms, these are called bad spirits. The author prefers not to use the word demon because it is rather harsh and does not give an accurate picture of, or impression on, the nature of the problem. In the Holy Bible, there are many cases of patients with severe psychological ailments that were healed by exorcism or removing the negative elementals.
These negative elementals are about one-third of an inch to several inches in size, depending upon their nature and their degree of influence over the person. They are able to influence over a person through cracks or holes on the protective web. Although these negative elementals cause a lot of problems and disturbances in the psychologically imbalanced patient, they are actually quite weak and can easily be destroyed by experienced pranic healers. These negative elementals are nothing morethan etheric cockroaches or parasites. They can easily be destroyed by an act of the will of the healer, the use of violet pranic energy, or by throwing them into a water and salt solution.
The difference between a clairvoyant and a “crazy” person is that in a clairvoyant, the etheric or protective web is quite thin and can easily be opened when the clairvoyant faculty is being used, and closed when it is not being used. In other words, the etheric web is just like a shutter that can be opened or closed at will by the clairvoyant. He has substantial mastery over his emotions, especially fear, and can see angels, fairies, and negative elementals without becoming psychologically imbalanced. A crazy person, on the other hand, has punctured protective webs and cannot close the holes. He is constantly influenced, bothered or tormented by negative thought entities, negative elementals, and negative disincarnate persons. He sees ugly things or hears ugly voices. Protective Web with Holes, Cracks, Negative Thought Entities and Negative Elementals
Although the thought entities lodged within the chakra and the protective web look like very small gray or dark colored clouds, they contain a lot of negative psychic energies. These negative psychic energies may be in the form of phobias, obsession, traumas, depression, vio lence, fear, compulsions and the like.When a psychic or a clairvoyant focuses his attention on the negative entities, he will intensely experience, emotionally and mentally, the contents of these nega. tive thought forms.
Negative thought forms or entities are nothing else but repressed traumas or accumulated negative thoughts and feelings. Negative elementals are negative psychic entities which influence a person to behave abnormally. These cracks or holes are caused by negative thinking, feeling, and habits. Hallucinogenic chemicals burn up part of the protective web. When a person with no spiritual training uses hallucinogenic substance or chemical, he is likely to have quite an unpleasant experience.
When a person is intensely angry, the protective webs of the solar plexus chakra, the ajna chakra and sometimes also the crown chakra are ruptured. Intense anger attracts negative elementals of a very violent nature. They attach themselves to the angry person through the ruptured protective webs. The angry person then becomes temporarily “possessed” or “insane” and does terrible things that he normally will not do. How long these negative elementals will remain attached to a person depends on his character. If he is the type that gets intensely angry quite often, then the “insanity” is relatively permanent. These negative elemen tals feed on anger or need angry energy to survive and, therefore, will re gully incite or stimulate the person to anger
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